Are Your Social Media Campaigns Missing the Mark?
Author: Becky Bruso
You may find yourself wondering if you are doing too much or too little with your social media efforts. Perhaps you started off strong after reading an article, watching an expert opinion video, or attending a seminar. You then, became the mad hatter of posting: all channels (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and more) and random topics were fair game: from babies to puppies and everything in between. Chances are this activity didn’t yield much social proof (likes, shares, comments ). It is likely that over a period of 2 weeks to a month, your enthusiasm and efforts fell off. You probably concluded social media doesn’t work for a business like mine. This blind swinging approach has three glaring problems. Your social media efforts were not consistent, clear, or connected! All three of these work together to make an impact in social media. Social media seems so casual as it is constantly nearby at our fingertips or in our pockets with our smart phones. This familiarity doesn’t mean it should be taken lightly when we begin to use it for our businesses. Any good social media effort or campaign must begin with the end in mind. To begin with the end in mind means we must also start with a well crafted plan for social media posts which matter to our customers and followers. Has Digital and Social Really Changed How We Market? We are now marketing and engaging not only our own audience or crowd, but an audience of audiences! This is awesome news as ultimately this type of connection, when done properly, can reap a higher ROI (Return on Investment) over time. Turns out there are some specific actions we, as business owners, can take to hit the mark with our Social Media Campaigns.Super Bowl versus Super Smart
A Super Bowl Ad probably costs way too much for majority of businesses. This sort of promotion takes lots of cash and requires a repeat investment of new cash again and again. Compare this to growing and nurturing your own list of customers to whom you do email marketing. Once you have your email list, you own it. Unlike traditional advertising where you must pay to access the audience, time and time again! You already matter immensely to your customers which means you have their ear when your well crafted marketing messages hit their inbox or social news feeds. They will be more likely to open your email and take action or like, share, and comment on your posts. This is the key to your digital marketing success! Sure, beginning on the trail of an email marketing campaign may take a lot of elbow grease at the start without the big bump in sales a Super Bowl ad might have. However, once you have your customers on board, experts (Eloqua, Kapost) say that over the course of a six month time period your return on investment will be significantly higher than that of the typical paid advertising media. And who doesn’t want a higher ROI? I’m in on that for sure!To reap a higher ROI, businesses must market to an audience of audiences. Likes, shares, and comments are the new currency to buy you social media success.Your part in the social and digital world is to be consistent, clever, and connected with your messaging and content!