The 3-Cs of Social Media
Written by: Becky Bruso
Your Goal: Post Content which is consistent, clever, and connected to your audience and audience of audiences.
It is all about the message!
What do I mean by audience of audiences?
Each individual has a number of followers in their network. We all target those in our network but the real power comes into play when we become connected via social media with the audience of our connections.
To do this, we need to seek to meet the goals of this broader population.
Selling your products and services on every social message will only annoy your potential customers and cause them to tune out. See what can go wrong below for more.
Finding out where these groups hang out online and sharing content which appeals to their interests on those channels helps build your credibility and connections.
Sharing the content they will find interesting helps you connect with them.
The broader appeal and reach to this audience of audiences massively expands our own network beyond the borders of those we know.
Be Consistent
Consistency relates to the content you provide to your followers and the timelines you deliver this content. As well as working the plan the content you provide; make sure that you post groups of like content together over a longer timeline.
Establish your goal and ensure that its topic is supported in every link shared, post written, tweet and @mention, like and retweet, slide shares, curated content, Infographic, eBook, etc.
Being sporadic where you post one week and not the next two or three weeks are in conflict with being consistent. There are many automated tools which let you setup your posts in advance so that you always have something waiting to be shared.
Social channels have short attention spans; you disappear from these channels and risk being soon forgotten.
Likewise, posting about various different topics might be better suited to grouping similar topics and spacing posting of these over the course of a week, month, or longer.
Your target goal and its scope will give you a sense of the quality and timeline to follow.
Be Clever
Cleverness speaks to the way you connect your content to your audience and how you are able to convey to them that you truly understand their needs.
How you find and get out in front of your potential customers and build relationships with influencers will be your own special sauce.
Be Connected
Connected is about plugging into your target markets needs and meshing them into your products and services. This will make your offer appeal to them even more.
Get out and meet real customers, listen to their desires, and pay attention.
Listening is an underrated skill.
Listening more than talking is sure to be an eye opener!
If you have other tips you would like to share or discuss, please leave a comment. I would love to hear more about what you find works well for you!
What can go Wrong with Social Media Content Marketing?
Always posting a purchase offer will tire and bore people. Provide them with valuable content and pepper in sales offers.
Many content marketing gurus suggest following the 80/20 rule.
This means 80% of your content should be geared towards providing information and/or entertainment.
The remaining 20% or less is used to actually sell to your connections.
There is a lot of great supporting blogs, books, eBooks, etc. to support this! Just Google Content Marketing on Amazon and the web in general.